TK International To Be Marketed Via RCA – Cashbox (1974)


T.K. lnt’I To Be Marketed Via RCA NEW YORK –

In a move that strengthens its r&b catalog overseas RCA Records has acquired international rights to T. K. Productions product. Announcement was jointly made last week by T. K. Productions president Henry Stone and Robert Summer , the division vice president of RCA Records . International RCA Records will henceforth market internationally the product of such T K Productions artists as George & Gwen McCrae, George’s wife; K. C and the Sunshine Band ; Latimore ; Miami . Featuring Robert Moore; Little Beaver and Betty Wright RCA”s rights to the T. K. Productions product extends throughout the international market with the exception of Brazil and in some instances, the United Kingdom. Recently, RCA Record s introduced George McCrae and “Rock Your Baby internationally via a whirlwind promotion tour in Europe that included press receptions. television shows in Holland and Germany and syndicated radio interviews that aired throughout Japan.

