Henry Stone Music

T.K. Productions, The Independent’s Independent – Cash Box (1975)


T.K. Productions: Henry Stone set it up as the umbrella corporation for over 15 of his own labels that are still bought and sold all over the world. In 1975, Stone was building an unprecedented run on the pop charts that still holds records today. This Cash Box advertisement from 1975 thanks, “KC and The Sunshine Band, Betty Wright, Latimore, Little Beaver, Timmy Thomas, Milton Wright, Jackie Moore, King Floyd, Dorothy Moore, Gwen McCrae, George McCrae, Jimmy “Bo” Horne, Fire, Miami, Wilson Pickett, Terry Collins, Clarence Reid, Hokis Pokis, and Blowfly.” Before the internet, trade magazines were one of the most important forms of music industry communication. Cash Box was one of the three major trade publications for the music business in the golden age of records and tapes.
