Henry Stone’s Tone Distributors w/ Command Records and Probe Records – Cash Box (1969)

Being a large scale record distributor in the 1960’s meant eating a lot of free steak and lobsters, and listening to independent labels present their catalogs and upcoming releases. Let’s just say, Henry Stone ate a lot of free steak dinners. And drank a lot of free drinks too. Here’s an example from a 1969 issue of Cash Box Magazine featuring Stone and his right hand man at Tone Distributors at the time, Dave Benjamin.

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE: Command and Probe Records recently held a product presentation in Miami Beach. On hand were seated L to R: Henry Epstein and Dan Pezza of the ABC art department, and Henry Stone and Dave Benjamin of Tone Distributors. Miami. and standing, L to R, John Turner and Dick Weissman of Command/Probe. associate sales manager: and Charlie Trepel. national sales manager for Command/Probe. Cash Box- January 25, 1969
