Henry Stone would be proud that an interview he gave Jake Katel in 2011 for A People’s History of Overtown is a critical hit in NYC.
Not only is the book available in paperback and e-book; It has global distribution through the biggest retailer on Earth. And a great writer named Monica Uszerowicz has written an article about it for a widely read NYC arts blog.
You gotta read this article and check out this book for an amazing interview where Henry Stone talks about Overtown in The Jukebox Era. This of course is the neighborhood where Stone met Ray Charles via an introduction by Sam Cooke at the Mary Elizabeth Hotel. It’s a neighborhood that is vital to the birth and development of Miami funk and soul, and if you want to know more about it check this great review out now!! https://hyperallergic.com/383870/stories-from-a-once-culturally-vibrant-now-neglected-miami-neighborhood/