Jacob Katel and Henry Stone Music USA Inc. Joint Venture on The Stone Cold Truth On Payola In The Music Biz

jacob katel copyright
jacob katel copyright
Redacted for personal information

Jacob Katel first contacted and began interviewing Henry Stone in 2011, not long after which they entered into a joint venture, the evidence of which can be seen in this here official copyright registration.

Throughout the final years of Stone’s life, Katel asked Henry thousands of questions he’d never been asked. Stone answered honestly and with uncharacteristic loquacity. So it all makes for an exciting piece of history that should never be forgotten. If you haven’t read The Stone Cold Truth On Payola In The Music Biz, you should. It’s been featured in the LA Weekly and cited in an impressive biography of Morris Levy published by the highly respected University Press of Mississippi.

Stone passed away in 2014 at the age of 93 and his ultimate perspective on various topics in over 65 years of music business can never again be answered to directly by the man himself. The fine legal document posted in slightly redacted form above insures the full legal protection of both authors of the work.

So if any one even thinks of bootlegging our product, we’ll not only take it old school and bust up your pressing plant with baseball bats, but you’ll also be hearing from an esquire with a last name like Cohen, Berg, or Stein.

Lots more cool stuff in the works. Stay tuned.
