2 Live Jews Are In The News, Again !!



In 1990, a mysterious rap record called As Kosher As They Wanna Be came out on the Kosher Records label from Miami, FL.

Riding the wave of the 2 Live Crew’s media popularity, the meta narrative of a parody group making parodies of a group that made parodies made a powerful undercurrent for the group’s mainstream shine on platforms like Good Morning America, Newsweek Magazine, and a mention by Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show.

Now, The 2 Live Jews are back in the news, with features in Jewish Journal and The Hype Magazine.

The great culture writer Darren Paltrowitz interviewed 2 Live Jews founder Joe Stone to find out all about how the group started, the story behind the records, and the old days at the Pac Jam.

Click the links and check it all out now!!

